Losing weight properly starts with setting specific goals and creating motivation. Additionally, you must undergo a medical examination to check hormone levels and the functioning of each organ. This will allow you to create a suitable diet and increase your metabolic rate as much as possible. It's possible your doctor will prescribe some type of therapy if obesity-causing diseases are discovered. A self-selected diet rarely turns out to be ideal and is implemented without negative consequences.
Have you decided to lose weight without outside help? Then read this article carefully - here you will find answers to all your questions, except those related to medicine. What affects the appearance of excess weight? Poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, stress and lack of sleep. Start living differently and you will start losing weight!
Weight loss motivation
Its importance is simply enormous, because without motivation, you will not be able to lose weight: you will constantly break down, which will make all efforts come to naught. The motivation for serious weight loss is an old "thin" photo, an upcoming event or significant changes in life. Once you have decided on your goal, set a time frame within which you can lose weight. This is not an abstract period of time but a fully calculated period in which you can get rid of excess pounds.
To do this, remember to calculate your ideal weight, estimate how many extra calories you can "burn" in a week/month. This is the only way you can know how long it will take to lose weight. The severity of the diet also depends on time - in this process everything is interconnected. Be sure to visualize your goal and surround yourself with reminders of what you are striving for. Mark your progress on the calendar on your way to the cherished date. Be sure to get a scale that will definitely stimulate you if you don't break the rules of your new diet.
Calculate daily calories
Before thinking about where to start losing weight, start keeping a food diary and track your food intake for a week or two. Then conduct an analysis by calculating the number of calories consumed daily, as well as the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Now it is worth finding out how much food your body needs if you do not take into account your desires. The Internet is full of formulas that will help you figure out this number. Remember 2 things:
- You must find out how many calories your body expends to maintain its vital functions;
- You must calculate your daily needs, taking into account the energy expended on work, cleaning, exercise, etc. v.
To lose weight, you must reduce your weekly diet by 200-300 kcal - this is the only way for the body to calmly adjust and not consider it a strict diet. Remember: you need to consume calories per day no less than the amount of calories your body spends on vital functions and your activity. That is, if you find out that to maintain the functioning of all systems in the body, you need to consume 1200 kcal, and at work and at home you spend another 600 kcal, then 1800kcal is the minimum level that your diet should not exceed. .
With improper nutrition, a person will absorb 2000 kcal or more per day, while most of the diet consists of harmful fats and easily digestible carbohydrates, leading to obesity, damaged muscles and skin. affect. In addition to tracking your calorie intake, you also need to be smart about how much protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats you eat. The exact ratio of these ingredients is 1: 4: 1, but this ratio is ideal only for normal people, that is, not trying to build muscle mass or burn fat.
Reducing the calorie content of the diet and changing its nutritional value is not all. Very often, when asked where to start losing weight properly, the answer is that you need to drink more water, and this is true. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day, not in one gulp but in small and regular sips. You can add a slice of fresh lemon to it - this will speed up the process of removing toxins from the body. Taken together, these measures will help improve metabolism, cleanse the body and, as a result, lose weight.
How to cook and eat to lose weight?
Before deciding where to start your weight loss process, consider whether you can comply with the following conditions:
- Try to reduce your cravings, this will stimulate you to consume more than you really need. To do this, throw all sweets and other unhealthy snacks out of the house. Fill your plate and bag with fruits and snacks that will satisfy sudden minor hunger pangs. Main meals should be spaced every 4 hours, between nutritious snacks: nuts, salad, vegetable sandwiches;
- Let's start breakfast! Breakfast should make up at least 30% of your daily diet so you don't get too hungry in the evening. In the morning, food should be nutritious and contain lots of carbohydrates, in the afternoon and evening it should be protein and vegetables and fruits;
- Do not eat in the evening - last meal is 3 hours before bedtime. This will help you reduce bloating and weight gain, and help you sleep better;
- Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Delicious food with spices will help you with this, you will chew it like chewing gum - until you squeeze all the water out of it;
- Food should not be fried or deep fried. Use the grill or slow cooker to create varied but healthy and nutritious meals. You can add flavor with a variety of seasonings and homemade low-fat sauces;
- Try to buy quality products, so carefully study the labels on all products;
- Periodically arrange fasting days for yourself - this will accelerate the process of losing weight and detoxifying the body, while improving your psycho-emotional state - proven!
- When pouring yourself a portion of food, put back a spoonful. You can also use small plates - visually, the amount of food looks like a lot but you eat less;
- Your nutritional approach should take into account your desires - this is the key to good results. Violence against yourself will not lead to anything good, so look for compromise. For example, you cannot live without pizza. To do this, learn to cook the dish yourself - this will make it healthier, and secondly, before eating it, limit yourself a little, this will help you avoidexceed the daily calorie allowance;
- Plan a menu for next week so you don't have to worry about cooking during the week. This will make transitioning to a new diet much easier.
Do not try to lose weight using ready-made diets, as most of them are unpopular and harmful to many people. For example, low-calorie diets, in addition to causing rapid weight loss, can aggravate chronic diseases and cause weight gain after they end. A low-fat diet leads to overwork and deterioration of appearance, and vegetarianism is not ideal for our climate because it puts undue strain on the heart.
What you can and cannot eat when losing weight
The list of healthy products is known to everyone - these are fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, whole grain pasta and bread, lean meat and some offal, fermented dairy products. Where to start losing weight at home? – from refusing the following "harmful things":
- Flour products, yeast candy and doughs;
- Fried foods;
- Potato;
- Sausages and semi-finished products;
- Store-bought mayonnaise and sauces;
- French fries, crackers;
- Fast food;
- Sweet, carbonated, alcoholic beverages.
Replace sweets with raw food desserts, replace sweets with carob, herbal tea and natural coffee. Fast food can be easily replaced with pita bread with vegetables, boiled chicken and low-calorie sauce, pizza can be simply prepared at home and include the "right" ingredients. Here are the main meals: various fish, dietary meat, vegetable soups, nutritious salads, and all this with homemade sauces and a variety of seasonings.
Sports and cosmetology for weight loss
Usually, when asked where to start losing weight for women or men, they answer that the first thing you need to do is sign up for a gym or at least start doing squats and abdominal exercises at home. However, exercise is only a complement to proper nutrition, healthy sleep and maintaining water balance in the body. Cardiovascular exercises like running, jumping rope, cycling, swimming and dancing will help you lose weight. Strength training is not only aimed at burning fat but also toning muscles and skin. Start exercising for at least 20 minutes, 3 times a week, increasing this time to 40 minutes and frequency to 5-7 sessions.
It is best to train in the morning, when fresh energy has not yet entered the body after breakfast, and the body needs to produce it itself, using accumulated fats for this. In addition, sports also helps speed up metabolism, purify the body, improve health and mood, which will certainly have a positive impact on the weight loss process. If you want to start exercising at home, there are many "Where to start losing weight" programs, in which experienced instructors will tell you what you should pay attention to during your first workout andhow to get your body in shape in general. increase the intensity of your workout.
Take care of your body from the outside by doing various body wraps, visiting massage parlors and getting ready for body scrubs. For example, massage with honey helps to remove excess volume and cleanse the skin. Massage with a vacuum roller or rubbing with a cup has a very good anti-cellulite effect. Exfoliating helps clean the skin and tighten it. By interacting with the body through the skin, you improve blood and lymph flow, break down cellulite - stimulating the release of excess fluid and the breakdown of fat cells.
The combination of these recommendations will help you:
- Speed up your metabolism;
- Cleanse the body;
- Become a healthier and more beautiful person;
- Of course, lose a lot of weight;
- Be happy and active.
We wish you achieve your goals!